Author: hssweb-admin

Violence in Nursing

Workplace violence against hospital nurses is so common, many healthcare practitioners don’t bother to file reports. But that attitude is changing. HR leaders of healthcare facilities should increase training for… Read more »

Health and care

By Renée Loth  |  March 5, 2010 PRIMARY CARE medicine may be on the decline in prestige and pay, but the fancy surgical specialties can’t offer the same daily dose… Read more »

Stop & Shop unions issue strike notice

24-hour deadline will expire today By Katie Johnston Chase, Globe Staff  |  March 5, 2010 Union leaders involved in contract talks with Quincy-based Stop & Shop have issued 24-hour notices… Read more »

No more concessions on health reform

By Derrick Z. Jackson, Globe Columnist  |  March 2, 2010 THERE HAS been no discussion of single payer. The public option has been ditched. President Obama received no Republican support… Read more »

Mass. healthcare reform is failing us

By Susanne L. King  |  March 2, 2009 MASSACHUSETTS HAS been lauded for its healthcare reform, but the program is a failure. Created solely to achieve universal insurance coverage, the… Read more »