Author: hssweb-admin

A call for more family physicians (MS)

IN HIS REMARKS to the National Academy of Sciences annual meeting yesterday, President Obama said "the greatest advances in medicine have come from scientific breakthroughs, whether the discovery of antibiotics,… Read more »

Who needs public health? (MS)

AS THE Legislature and Governor Patrick confront a budget deficit for next year, they will need to find new revenues as well as decide which state programs will survive and… Read more »

Give Mass. model time to succeed (MS)

TO MAKE a cultural and behavioral shift takes strong will, education, and time. Since health reform was passed in Massachusetts in April 2006, 432,000 people now have health insurance. Many… Read more »

24-seven approach offers us a way (MS)

WHY ARE emergency rooms used so often? Maybe because they are there 24-seven, and you can go without an appointment. Yes, many of the problems dealt with could be handled… Read more »

Gap in paid sick time (MS)

YOU REPORTED that visits to Massachusetts emergency rooms grew 7 percent between 2005 and 2007, and that many of these visits could have been treated in a doctor’s office. Many… Read more »