Author: hssweb-admin

Nursing Groups Merge, Form 150,000 Member Union (MC)

Saying they need a more “powerful national movement” to protect nurses, three unions merged in late February. United American Nurses, the California Nurses Association National/Nurses Organizing Committee and the Massachusetts… Read more »

Single-payer health care system touted

150 rally in support of concept at regional forum at UVM By Nancy Remsen, Burlington Free Press Staff Writer Dr. John Walsh, a neuroscience researcher from Worcester, Mass., stood Tuesday… Read more »

Cradle of democracy?

By Jeff Jacoby, Globe Columnist  |  March 18, 2009 IF ANY STATE could be called a wholly owned subsidiary of the Democratic Party, it would be Massachusetts. Its

Ready to act on healthcare (MS)

LAST WEEK, President Obama took a bold step on healthcare: He brought together a wide array of people who have a stake in the healthcare system with the people who… Read more »

Patrick to take on unions again (MS)

In his gas tax pitch to angry commuters, Governor Deval Patrick has insisted that he is fundamentally shaking up the transportation bureaucracy and taking a serious whack at generous union… Read more »