Category: Uncategorized
MNA Nurses and Healthcare Professionals to Testify July 6 on Legislation to Establish a State Receivership Process for Hospitals Threatened with Closure, Prevent Homecare Violence, and Reduce Patient Handling Injuries
MNA Members at Cambridge Health Alliance Reach TA!
MNA Nurses and Healthcare Professionals to Testify July 6 on Legislation to Establish a State Receivership Process for Hospitals Threatened with Closure, Prevent Homecare Violence, and Reduce Patient Handling Injuries
MNA Nurses at Boston’s Tufts Medical Center Overwhelmingly Vote in Favor of Ratifying New 18-Month Contract Agreement
The 1,400 registered nurses of Tufts Medical Center in Boston, who are represented by the Massachusetts Nurses Association, voted overwhelmingly on Monday, June 26 to ratify their newest contract settlement…. Read more »