Category: Uncategorized

MDPH: MCNP News – Help with H1N1 Surveillance

Dear Provider, As flu season approaches, the MDPH influenza surveillance team wants to stress the importance of influenza surveillance and the role that providers play.  Our recent experience with novel… Read more »

‘The time for bickering is over’

Obama urges Congress to overhaul health care, spells out details; Denounces misrepresentations, evokes Kennedy’s moral stance By Lisa Wangsness and Susan Milligan, Globe Staff  |  September 10, 2009 WASHINGTON –… Read more »

Politics salts the labor breakfast

By Peter Schworm, Globe Staff  |  September 8, 2009 From little-known city councilor candidates to veteran congressmen, a crush of politicians worked the Back Bay hotel ballroom as if it… Read more »

Health overhaul may ride on tactic

Seldom-used rule could thwart GOP Democrats would need only 51 votes By Lisa Wangsness and Sasha Issenberg, Globe Staff | Globe Correspondent  |  September 2, 2009 With bipartisan efforts to… Read more »

Bold risk for teachers union

THE BOSTON Teachers Union is trying to turn the tables on its critics by opening a pilot school that removes layers of bureaucracy between students and their teachers. Randi Weingarten,… Read more »