Category: Uncategorized

A singular solution for healthcare (MS)

A single-payer healthcare system would more effectively control costs than any other plan that Congress is considering as it moves toward a reform bill. And by controlling costs, existing resources… Read more »

Obama seeks healthcare spending cuts (MS)

WASHINGTON – President Obama yesterday proposed to rein in spending on federal health programs for the elderly and the poor by an additional $313 billion over the next decade, bringing… Read more »

What’s wrong with the state budget?

From the Massachusetts Nurse NewsletterJune 2009 Edition By Leo Maley, Region 1 Community Organizer andAndi Mullin, Director, Division of Legislation and Government Affairs Every week seems to bring additional bad… Read more »

Health plans may fall short, Mass. says (MS)

The state’s pioneering healthcare law requires residents to have insurance that meets minimum standards, but regulators are discovering many employers’ plans test the limits by exploiting loopholes in the rules…. Read more »

Caritas insurance deal faces changes (MS)

Cardinal Sean P. O’Malley, concerned about the relationship between Caritas Christi Health Care and an insurance plan that covers abortions, is seeking modifications to the joint venture that the beleaguered… Read more »