Category: Uncategorized

Who needs public health? (MS)

AS THE Legislature and Governor Patrick confront a budget deficit for next year, they will need to find new revenues as well as decide which state programs will survive and… Read more »

Give Mass. model time to succeed (MS)

TO MAKE a cultural and behavioral shift takes strong will, education, and time. Since health reform was passed in Massachusetts in April 2006, 432,000 people now have health insurance. Many… Read more »

24-seven approach offers us a way (MS)

WHY ARE emergency rooms used so often? Maybe because they are there 24-seven, and you can go without an appointment. Yes, many of the problems dealt with could be handled… Read more »

Gap in paid sick time (MS)

YOU REPORTED that visits to Massachusetts emergency rooms grew 7 percent between 2005 and 2007, and that many of these visits could have been treated in a doctor’s office. Many… Read more »