Category: Uncategorized

Nursing Groups Merge, Form 150,000 Member Union (MC)

Saying they need a more “powerful national movement” to protect nurses, three unions merged in late February. United American Nurses, the California Nurses Association National/Nurses Organizing Committee and the Massachusetts… Read more »

Single-payer health care system touted

150 rally in support of concept at regional forum at UVM By Nancy Remsen, Burlington Free Press Staff Writer Dr. John Walsh, a neuroscience researcher from Worcester, Mass., stood Tuesday… Read more »

Cradle of democracy?

By Jeff Jacoby, Globe Columnist  |  March 18, 2009 IF ANY STATE could be called a wholly owned subsidiary of the Democratic Party, it would be Massachusetts. Its

Lewis offers a side of optimism (MC)

Bank of America CEO says recession under attack on many fronts Kenneth D. Lewis(Boston Globe) Bank of America chief executive Kenneth D. Lewis answers questions at a Boston luncheon sponsored… Read more »