From the Massachusetts Nurse NewsletterNovemebr/December 2005 Edition The MNA is happy to help the Massachusetts Coalition for Occupational Safety and Health spread the word about the following guide for primary… Read more »
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MassCOSH guide aids clinicians in preventing workplace injuries and illnesses
After 890 Days Without a Contract From the Romney Administration, MNA Launches Radio Campaign to Support State-Employed RNs and Health Professionals
Nurses and health care professionals come together to hold veterans and those who serve them
Nurses and Health Care Professionals Honor Veterans
Legislature Holds Hearings on Three Important Bills for Nurses and Patients
MNA to Boycott Sen. Moore/Becker College Oct. 28th Nursing Symposium, Plan Protest/Press Conference (9 a.m.) Outside Event
Wednesday’s State House rally by state-employed RNs and health professionals was a rousing success
Globe Series on ICU Nursing Spotlights Complexity of Nurses’ Role
Underscores Need for a Limit on Patients to Provide Safe Care
Romney & Healey: Pay more attention to the state’s most vulnerable and less to your campaigns
Walk tall and carry a union card
From the Massachusetts Nurse NewsletterOctober 2005 Edition By Deb Rigiero, RNAssociate Director, Organizing