Get Involved

There are many different ways to become involved with Legislation and Politics at the MNA.

  • Political Campaigns: It is critical that nurses and health care professionals help elect and re-elect candidates who will fight nurses and patients. The MNA’s Political Action Committee endorses candidates who will be strong advocates as elected officials. Our staff can help you participate in whatever volunteer activities you may be interested in whether it be phone calls, knocking on voters’ doors, holding signs, volunteering to take a lawn sign or any other volunteer opportunities that come up.
  • In-district Meetings with Elected Officials: We often set up meetings with elected officials as part of our lobbying efforts. You are the most effective voice for nurses and patients, and we put you in direct contact with your elected officials for this very reason.  We can help you set you up one of these meetings and prepare you for it.
  • Calling Elected Officials: In addition to working on campaigns and participating in meetings, the best way to continue to develop and maintain relationships with elected officials is to call them and communicate with them about how you feel about particular pieces of legislation. You are the best voice for your patients and your profession and regular contact will go a long way to keeping legislators informed on these critical issues.
  • State House Visits: Nurses can visit the State House for a number of different activities. There are rallies to participate in, days where we distribute literature to legislators, and public hearings where we can testify on the official record to legislators about critical patient care issues.
  • Participate in the Congress on Health Policy and Legislation: The Congress on Health Policy and Legislation reviews legislation brought to us by other organizations. The Congress makes recommendations to the Board of Directors on this legislation. The Congress can also write legislation to address issues that come up for recommendation to the Board. To get involved in the Congress, contact Megan Collins at 781.830.5740 or via email at
  • Vote: Visit here to find out who represents you and how to vote
  • Participate in the Mass Nurses PAC

 To get involved in any of these activities, contact your Regional Community Organizer.