Elections Information
The Massachusetts Nurses Association is a democratic, member-driven organization whose leadership is elected by the membership by election ballot. This leadership offers diverse opinions and strategies about how to protect and advance nursing’s agenda. Through the work of the Association and its initiatives, MNA’s elected officers gather the opinions of the membership and create the strategies that steer the organization. As a active member of the MNA you can add your input to that debate — if not in person then by voting for your nurse colleagues who you have chosen to bring their voice to the decision making forums at MNA.
Nominations are gathered from January – May. Elections are held in the late summer, and the winning candidates are announced at the MNA’s business meeting.
NENA Election
Statement of Purpose
The Northeast Nurses Association (“NENA”) has as its primary purposes the advancement of the nursing profession, the promotion of best practices in the provision of patient care, the representation of registered nurses and other health care employees in collective bargaining under state and federal law, the support of legislation and other governmental initiatives designed to advance the important interests of its members and the patients for whom they care and all other activities incidentally necessary or helpful to the pursuit of the foregoing goals, all within the Northeast United States.
Membership Organizational Members
The Massachusetts Nurses Association is a founding Organizational Member of NENA.
Call for Member Participation on MNA Committees
The following standing committees of the MNA Board of Directors are currently seeking members to help carry forward the work of the organization:
- Awards Committee: This committee develops criteria for MNA awards, reviews nominations of candidates for awards and recommends award recipients to the MNA Board of Directors. This committee enables MNA to reward and applaud the contributions of outstanding individuals to nursing and health care. There were 17 recipients of MNA awards in 2014. The committee meets two to four times per year.
- Bylaws Committee: This committee both receives and initiates proposed amendments to MNA’s Bylaws and presents its recommendations to the MNA membership annually. MNA’s bylaws regulate its operation. The committee meets four to six times per year.
- Education Committee: This committee interprets, implements and monitors a program of continuing education for nurses, serves as a resource to MNA to identify trends and issues in nursing and health care as they relate to education, and recommends strategies to support competence and professional growth of nurses. This committee meets six times per year. Contact Shirley Duggan, associate director, Nursing Department at 800.882.2056, x763 for additional information.