Region 5 Virtual: Responding to an Unsafe Patient Assignment: Legal, Moral and Practical Implications

Live Virtual Zoom

Description: This program will provide nurses with the advocacy skills and communication strategies to respond when they hear, “Just do your best” while nursing judgement determines they cannot safely meet the needs of the patient. Discussion topics will include patient abandonment, mandatory overtime, and assuming an assignment under duress or objection. Documentation of unsafe assignments... Read more »

Caring for Persons with the Challenges of Dementia in a Post-Pandemic World: Updates for the Present and Future

Live Virtual Zoom

Description: This program will provide updates on the medical conditions and progressive illnesses that cause patients to experience dementia symptoms. Demographic updates will be provided on the incidence of dementia illnesses throughout New England and beyond. The program will conclude with a presentation of strategies for providing care for persons living with dementia in a... Read more »


Celiac Disease and Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity: What Does It All Mean for the Nurse?

Live Virtual Zoom

Description: Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease that impacts genetically predisposed persons to a lifetime of dietary challenges. In 2019, the Celiac Foundation estimated that one in one hundred people worldwide are living with celiac disease. This program will describe the pathology of celiac disease, common signs and symptoms, and nursing considerations related to the... Read more »

Responding to an Unsafe Patient Assignment: Legal, Moral, and Practical Implications

Live Virtual Zoom

Description: This program will provide you with the advocacy skills and the communication strategies needed to appropriately respond when you are told “just do your best,” but your nursing judgment determines you cannot safely meet the needs of the patient. Topics will include patient abandonment, mandatory overtime, and assuming an assignment under duress or objection.... Read more »


Cannabis Stigmatization, Disclosure, and Risk Assessment

Live Virtual Zoom

Description: This presentation will survey the primary domains of stigmatization as overarching barriers to cannabis-use disclosure and behavioral assessment among patients in the healthcare setting. Knowledge of cannabis use patterns are an integral component to providing fully informed care to patients and mitigating associated risks of cannabis use. Key pharmacokinetic and pathophysiological considerations will be... Read more »


The Growing Use of Anti-Depressant Medications: A Global Update

Live Virtual Zoom

Description: The number of people living with acute and chronic depression continues to grow locally, nationally, and internationally. The treatment of these illnesses often includes the prescription of various classes of anti-depressant medications. Nurses providing bedside care for these patients must have an extensive knowledge of the actions, indications, and potential side effects of these... Read more »


Documentation Dangers and Their Impact on The Defense: Case Examples, Highlights, and EMR Impacts

Live Virtual Zoom

Description: Documentation is one of the most important elements of nursing practice. In this program, best practices for good documentation will be highlighted and the issues and impacted defensibility in a malpractice case will be presented. The program will include examples of how medical record documentation can be used to identify gaps that can be... Read more »

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